- VHDL设计的相关实验,包括4位可逆计数器,4位可逆二进制代码-格雷码转换器设计、序列检测器的设计、基于ROM的正弦波发生器的设计、数字密码锁的设计与实现。-VHDL design of experiments, including four reversible counters, four reversible binary code- Gray code converter design, the sequence detector design, the ROM-based sine w
- 遗传算法的主程序 采用二进制Gray编码,采用基于轮盘赌法的非线性排名选择, 均匀交叉,变异操作,而且还引入了倒位操作!-The main genetic algorithm binary Gray code, roulette method based on linear ranking selection, uniform crossover and mutation, but also introduces the inversion operation!
- It is a code for Gray code counter.It can convert normal binary numbers into gray codes
- 格雷码转换成二进制 格雷码是一种工业使用的码值 其好处在于误码率低 但是它是一种无权码 不能进行运算-Gray code into binary Gray code is a code used by the industries the value of its benefits is that the bit error rate is low but it is a right operation code can not be
- Efficient way of coding FI-ADC. Output of FI_ADC is in gray code format. Gray to binary coding of FI-ADC
- 对某些相同灰度级成片连续出现的图像(如洪水图),行程编码也是一种高效的编码方法。特别是对二值图像,效果尤为显著。在一个逐行存储的图像中,具有相同灰度值的一些像素的序列,称为一个行程。-Appear in successive images of some of the same gray level into tablets (such as flood charts), the run length coding is an efficient coding method. In partic
- 图像处理在车牌图像预处理中的应用 灰度化 车牌图像灰度化 直方图均衡化 灰度拉伸 二值化 全局阈值法和局部阈值法 适用于车牌的二值化方法 边缘检测 图像梯度 几种常见的边缘检测算子 适用于车牌的边缘检测算子 -Image processing in the
- this function converts gray scale image into binary image using sauvola techniquw
- It is used to convert the rgb image to gray scale and den proper threholdinf and contrast strechting is applied and converted to binary image
- QPSK的解调与调制,还有二进制码转换为格雷码的方法-Demodulation and modulation of QPSK, and the binary code into gray code method
- 基于java程序的车牌识别管理系统设计。通过灰度化、灰度直方图、图像均衡化、边缘化、找车牌、二值化对图像进行识别(Design of license plate recognition management system based on java program. Through grayscale, gray histogram, image equalization, marginalization, looking for license plates, binary image rec