- IPcam 的资料(06年收聚的),芯片及方案,给需要的人参考,-IPcam information (received in 2006 ), chips and programs, to those who need a reference,
- This the program for a red ball tracker robot.Here a web cam is interfaced to a computer,the computer takes images by means of the web cam and processes the images to see if there is a red ball.If a red ball is detected then the computer sends the ap
- Sineax_Cam_技术数据说明书,SINEAX CAM用于测量和监测电力分配系统或工厂供电系统的各种电参量。测量系统能够准确监测电流网络状态、非线性负载的状况以及对整个供电系统是否过载进行评估。-Sineax_Cam_ technical data specifications, SINEAX CAM for measuring and monitoring the electrical distribution system or plant a variety of electrical
- 数控技术及数控机床在当今机械制造业中的重要地位和巨大效益,显示了其在国家基础工业现代化中的战略性作用,并已成为传统机械制造工业提升改造和实现自动化、柔性化、集成化生产的重要手段和标志。数控技术及数控机床的广泛应用,给机械制造业的产业结构、产品种类和档次以及生产方式带来了革命性的变化。数控机床是现代加工车间最重要的装备。它的发展是信息技术(1T)与制造技术(MT)结合发展的结果。现代的CAD/CAM、FMS、CIMS、敏捷制造和智能制造技术,都是建立在数控技术之上的。掌握现代数控技术知识是现代机电
- ArtCAM 软件产品系列是英国Delcam公司出品的独特的CAD造型和CNC、CAM 加工解决方案,是复杂立体三维浮雕设计、珠宝设计和加工的首选CAD/CAM 软件解决方案,可快速将二维构思转换成三维艺术产品。全中文用户界面使用户能更加方便、快捷、灵活地进行三维浮雕设计和加工,广泛地用于雕刻产生、模具制造、珠宝生产、包装设计、纪念章和硬币制造以及标牌制作等领域。-The ArtCAM software product family is English Delcam company produ
- 插片式广告机的凸轮机构设计,初学者可以参考参考-Blade advertising cam mechanism design, beginners can refer to reference
- As PTZ (Pan–Tilt–Zoom) cam-eras are able to obtain multi-view-angle and multi-resolution information, they have received more and more concern in both research and real application. Stereo vision using dual-PTZ-camera system, com-pared with using d
- cam to pcb is project for cam capture have pcbdoc files im protel/altium format
- The Bézier curve is one of the most commonly used parametric curves in CAGD and Computer Graphics and has many good properties for shape design. Developing more convenient techniques for designing and modifying Bézier curve is an im- portant prob
- 以一个复杂曲面零件模型为例,论述了UG CAD/CAM 系统在数控加工中的应用过程:利用UG 的建模模块对 其进行曲面造型设计,并根据该零件结构特点进行工艺分析,使用UG 的CAM 加工模块设置加工参数实现自动编程, 由程序后处理自动生成NC 代码,最后将NC 代码导入数控机床加工出实体零件,从而达到缩短编程时间,提高工作效 率和编程质量的目的,有效地保证了零件的加工精度-A model of a complex surface parts, for example, discuss