- AGC电路常用于RF/IF电路系统中,AGC电路的优劣直接影响着系统的性能。因此设计了AD603和AD590构成的3~75dBAGC电路,并用于低压载波扩频通信系统中的数据集中器。 在很多信号采集系统中,信号变化的幅度都比较大,那么放大以后的信号幅值有可能超过A/D转换的量程,所以必须根据信号的变化相应调整放大器的增益。在自动化程度要求较高的系统中,希望能够在程序中用软件控制放大器的增益,或者放大器本身能自动将增益调整到适当的范围。AD603正是这样一种具有程控增益调整功能的芯片。它是美国ADI
- 可控程控滤波芯片,可实现0—40DB范围的增益可控,可通过引脚接法不同,实现不同的带宽。-The AD603 is a low noise, voltage-controlled amplifier for use in RF and IF AGC systems. It provides accurate, pin selectable gains of –11 dB to+31 dB with a bandwidth of 90 MHz or +9 dB to+51 dB wit
- 该Si4133是一个单片集成电路,既执行IF和双频 RF合成为无线通信应用。在Si4133 包括三个和VCO,环路滤波器,参考和VCO分频器,相位 探测器。除法和可编程掉电设置与threewire 串行接口。-The Si4133 is a monolithic integrated circuit, both the implementation of the IF and dual-band RF synthesis for wireless comm
- 在无线通讯系统中,根据频率,可以分成射频(PF:Radio Frequency)、中频(IF:Intermediate Frequency)和基带(Base Band)信号-In the wireless communication system, according to frequency, can be divided into radio frequency (PF: Radio Frequency), IF (IF: Intermediate Frequency) and baseba
- 针对软件定义的RF测试和原型设计的PXIExpress可重配置IF收发器-For software-defined RF testing and prototyping PXIExpress reconfigurable IF transceiver
- 提出一种适用于数字微波接力系统的基 带光纤拉远的接口方案 采用高性能千兆以太网物理层芯片 88E1111 和 1.25G 光收发器 SSFF3151 完成基带接口 基带信号可以通过数字光纤传输技术传到远端 并恢复射频信号 介绍了 88E1111 的工作原理 性能 接口等 并给出硬件电路设计的原理 以及各部分的具体实现方法和原理图 -Compared with the traditional RF and IF pulls distant technology the baseband o
- 模块时代之ADI实验室电路 它是经过构建和测试可以确保功能和性能的电路设计;它借助ADI公司众多应用专业技术,解决了多种常见的模拟、RF/IF和混合信号设计挑战。-Circuit from the ADI Lab Reference Circuits by Analog Devices
- We compare the energy efficiency of some transmission schemes in wireless sensor networks. By constraining the system to end-to-end throughput requirements, we assume that the nodes in multi-hop and cooperative schemes operate at a spectral e
- Analog Device RF IF CIRCUITS
- 本设计采用的是TEA5767芯片,它是由PHILIPS公司推出的针对低电压应用的单芯片数字调谐FM立体声收音机芯片。TEA5767芯片内集成了完整的IF频率选择和鉴频系统,只需很少的低成本外围元件,就可实现FM收音机的全部功能。另外,它具有高性能的RF AGC电路,其接收灵敏度高、参考频率选择灵活、可实现自动搜台。
- STRS for RF, if you want to edit your server, use this strs.
- This m-file simulates the operation of the heterodyne section and demodulating section of a garden variety AM receiver. An array is created that represents the superposition of three separate RF carriers, each modulated at a different audio
- MOSFET, which leads to a very low ESD robustness if no appropriate ESD protection design is applied. Once the RF front-end circuit is damaged by ESD, it can not be recovered and the RF functiona
- 介绍了一种基于软件无线电技术的多制式电台测试系统。该系统采用了直接射频采样,以硬件实现实时数字下变频与上变频,以软件在零中频信号上实现多制式调制解调的结构,从而可应用于对多制式电台的性能参数自动测量。 -Introduced multi-standard radio test system based on software radio technology. The system uses direct RF sampling, implemented in hardware real-t
- In present time many cases of bike accident can be seen around us. peoples get injured or might be dead and one of the reason is not wearing helmet. Many peoples could save their life in accident cases if they weared helmet at the time of accident. C