- This paper addresses the issues relating to the enforcement of robust stability when implementing the Adaptive Inverse Control (AIC) scheme. In this scheme, an adaptive FIR filter is added to a closed-loop system in order to reduce the output
- 应用Matlab2009a对离散时间信号进行处理,比如傅里叶变换及其逆变换-Application Matlab2009a of discrete-time signal processing, such as Fourier transform and its inverse, etc.
- 97浮点小波反变换,反变换时坐标的对准是关键-97 floating-point wavelet inverse transform, inverse transform the coordinates at the time is the key
- Inverse pendulum time optimal optimization
- 基于椭圆曲线的一种高效率数字签名。为给出一种基于椭圆曲线密码的高效率的数字签名方案。不仅在算法设计时完全避免了费时的求逆运算,而且利用消息HASH值的汉明重量作为消息摘要进行签名与验证。-Based on elliptic curve digital signature of a high efficiency. For a given elliptic curve cryptography based on an efficient digital signature scheme. Algo
- 以自适应线性组合器为时变谐波检测器的模型, 根据逆归最小乘自适应滤波算法较好的跟踪性能, 使之应用于时变谐波的跟踪检测。仿真表明该方法比以往的基于最小均方 自适应滤波算法的谐波幅值和相位参数的测定具有更好的跟踪效果。-Adaptive linear combiner with harmonic detector is too variable model, according to inverse normalized least square adaptive filter algorit
- S. Boyd EE102 Lecture 3 The Laplace transform ² de¯ nition & examples ² properties & formulas { linearity { the inverse Laplace transform { time scaling { exponential scaling { time delay { derivative { integral {
- 信息检索系统从最初的纯手工检索系统业已发展到现在的以信息技术为支撑的检索系统,在这一过程中,适应新的信息资源、信息技术这些检索环境,提高信息检索系统的查全率、查准率和系统响应时间是不变的主题,在众多文本中掌握最有效的信息始终是信息处理的一大目标。围绕向量空间模型设计了一个文本检索系统,介绍向量空间模型的基础上给出了基于它的信息检索系统的一般结构框架和各部分的功能,探讨了系统中所涉及到的关键技术。用向量空间模型进行特征表达,用TF-IDF(Term-Frequency Inverse-Docume
- 二维离散余弦反变换,整个频域到时域的转换,加深对数字信号处理的理解-Two-dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform, the entire frequency domain to time domain conversion, and deepen the understanding of the digital signal processingTwo-dimensional discrete cosine transform, the fr
- 粘弹性地震波的衰减不仅与传播时间有关,而且与子波的频率、速度场的分布、射线路经、地下构造展布都有关,因此,仅仅利用反Q滤波对粘弹性的吸收和频散做一维补偿不能完全的恢复地震波长的本来特征。-Viscoelastic seismic wave attenuation is not only associated with the propagation time, and and wavelet frequency distribution of the velocity field, the ra
- (1)针对在线计算量大这一缺陷,将预测控制中的柔化输出信号的思想推广到柔化输入信号,使得约束条件被简化为仅对当前控制量的约束,可以直接计算得出;同时该方法避免了求逆矩阵,大大减小了计算量,并能够保证控制算法的可行性和良好的控制性能。 (2)针对传统算法中设计参数整定困难这一缺点,应用基于BP神经网络变参数设计的广义预测控制算法,实现了对控制量柔化参数的在线调整。 (3)利用带有遗忘因子的最小二乘法对系统辨识。本文通过仿真发现该方法对于Hénon混沌系统并不完全适用,可考虑利用其他优化系统
- 生活中经常遇到大的矩阵,他的求逆非常麻烦而且求解时间很长,本法适用于大矩阵求解。-Life often encountered big matrix, inverse very trouble and solving of his time is very long, this law shall be applicable to large matrix to solve
- FFT 4 stage radix 2 A fast Fourier transform is an algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse. A Fourier transform converts time to frequency and vice versa-FFT 4 stage radix 2 A fast Fourier transform is an algorithm to com
- A Fourier transform function (in frequency) can be converted back into a function in time by another integral operator called inverse Fourier transform. It is customarily said that it transforms the frequency domain into the time domain. The Fourier
- 6轴机器人运动学详细说明,包括建模,正解,逆解,同时在solidworks上进行正逆解得仿真-6-axis robot kinematics described in detail, including modeling, positive solution inverse solutions, at the same time being on the reverse was solidworks simulation
- verilog code for inverse fft to convert time domain to frequency domain
- IDW距离反比加权方法,计算时间和二维直方图,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真。- IDW inverse distance weighting method, Computing time and two-dimensional histogram, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target.