The main objective of the project was to address the above
mentioned trends and to form a consistent concept of an All-IP telecommunications
network with wireless access. The project took into account both the user s and the
network s
Bridge between two ZigBeenetworks
Tunneling between two ZigBee networks
Gateway between ZigBeeand Ethernet, IP, Mobile, WiFi, PLC etc
Address translation (NAT) should be applied.
The purpose of the project is to maintain efficient management of mobility in wireless networks, such that it allows maintaining mobile terminals ongoing communications while moving through IP network.
PubNub 是一家提供数据流网络及相关 API的企业,成立于 2010年,总部位于旧金山。原先 PubNub 的这个网络的主要客户是移动 app,透过后端平台的作用,让 app 内部可以进行通信。不过随着 IT 服务朝着 IP 网络的演进,以及物联网的日渐流行,使得 PubNub 逐步发展为一个安全可靠、遍布全球的的双向数据网络,成为为移动 app、web 以及物联网等依靠定期小型信令传输的服务的承载网。
目前 PubNub 拥有超过 2000 个客户,包括社交应用与消费者应用,以及金融、