- Modern C++ Design, Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
C++ reverse engineering Modern C++ design
- C++ reverse engineering Modern C++ design
- Modern C++ Design is an important book. Fundamentally, it demonstrates generic patterns or pattern templates as a powerful new way of creating extensible designs in C++--a new way to combine templates and patterns that you may never have dreamt w
- Modern C++ Design is an important book. Fundamentally, it demonstrates generic patterns or pattern templates as a powerful new way of creating extensible designs in C++--a new way to combine templates and patterns that you may never have dreamt was p
- 本书原版为《Modern c++ design》,侯捷翻译。主要讲述泛型编程和设计模式的应用。全书345页,讲述的思路清晰,较深刻。-Original book is " Modern c++ design" , Hou Jie translation. Mainly about generic programming and design the model. Book 345, about the idea of clear, more profound.
- VC modern design 详细的学习资料,有助于自学C语言现代设计方法-c language of modern design methods
- 美国亚力山德雷斯库所著的大作《C++设计新思维》的中文版(侯捷译)。 这本书是在C++98的平台上介绍C++模板元编程的详细技术与思路。-Chinese version (by Jie Hou) of masterpiece "C++ design for the new thinking" from Andrei Alexandrescu. This book disscused the C++ template meta-programming techniques and ide
- 《Qt4设计模式导论》介绍了C++编程知识和Qt的设计模式,由浅入深。-Master C++ "The Qt Way" with Modern Design Patterns and Efficient Reuse This fully updated, classroom-tested book teaches C++ "The Qt Way," emphasizing design patterns and efficient reuse. Readers will master both
- 现代社会的数据传输正在逐渐摈弃有线传输的模式,无线数据传输相对于有线有建设成本低廉,适应性好,扩展方便,设备维护方便等优点,同时数据的传输也较为可靠。在无线数据传输中必然要用到不同的无线数据终端,要实现与人的交互,则必须依靠上位机软件,本设计从GPRS无线数据终端入手,设计了一个上位机软件,带有登陆界面,可以显示当前登陆的设备,并可以记录并显示历史登陆信息和聊天记录,初步实现通过下位机对LED灯的控制,该可以为日后的进一步设计应用提供参考。 通过这次设计,我进一步掌握Visual C++应用
- Modern C design guidelines