Additionally, the access point may connect to a costly resource (e.g., a satellite link), or an external network that is susceptible to intrusion. For such reasons and others that concern data availability and response time, MANET applications sho
WiMAX and WiFi have emerged as promising
broadband access solutions for the latest generation of wireless
MANs and LANs, respectively. Their complementary features
enable the use of WiMAX as a backhaul service to connect
multiple dispersed Wi
This mode bridges a wireless network to a wired Ethernet network. A wireless access point is required for infrastructure mode wireless networking, which serves as the central WLAN communication station to which the mobile clients attach.
H.323是由ITU制定的通信控制协议,用于在分组交换网中提供多媒体业务。呼叫控制是其中的重要组成部分,它可用来建立点到点的媒体会话和多点间媒体会议。H.323定义了介于电路交换网和分组交换网之间的H.323网关(GateWay)、用于地址翻译和访问控制的网守(GateKeeper)、提供多点控制的多点会议控制器(MC)、提供多点会议媒体流混合的多点处理器(MP),以及多点会议控制单元(MCU)等实体-Developed by the ITU H.323 is a communication c
The present document specifies the signalling procedures for accessing the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core network and handling the mobility between 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses via the S2c reference point defined in 3GPP TS 23.402 [3].
The present document