- 本技术文档是本人再学习过程中自己翻译理解后的总结。关于Socket、SIP、RTP、G729、ARM语音编解码、H263、H264视频编解码。包括理解,基本的内容和算法等等。-The technical documentation is a learning process, I no longer understand their own after the translation of the summary. On the Socket, SIP, RTP, G729, ARM voice
- 基于RTP的实时语音传输的实现与研究 .kdh基于RTP的实时语音传输的实现与研究 .kdh-RTP-based real-time voice transmission and study of the realization of RTP-based real-time voice transmission with the study. Kdh the RTP-based real-time voice transmissions with the study. Kdh the RTP-b
- Mediastreamer开发手册 Mediastreamer is a library written in C that allows you to create and run audio and video streams. It is designed for any kind of voice over IP applications. It features RTP connectivity, audio codecs (Speex, iLBC, G711, GSM), vi