- Atmel’s AT91SAM7FP105 is a low pincount FingerChip processor based on the 32-bit ARM RISC processor. It features a on-chip biometric engine performing enrollment verification and identification, an internal record cache of up to 25 records and a
- 如何通过互联网共亨以单片机应用系统为中心的小型嵌入式设备的信息,成为当今电子界 ... 多任务操作,可以在MCU执行数据采集和控制功能的同时把数据打包并传送到互联网上。 ... 直接驱动普通I/O口实现硬件外设功能(如UART、 I2C、SPI、 Caller ID、FSK等)-How to Hang a total through the Internet-centric single-chip microcomputer application system for small embedd
- Describes the c-codes to configure the I2c, SPI, UART ports-Describes the c-codes to configure the I2c, SPI, UART ports
- The RT3052 SOC combines Ralink’s 802.11n draft compliant 2T2R MAC/BBP/RF, a high performance 384MHz MIPS24KEc CPU core, 5-port integrated 10/100 Ethernet switch/PHY, an USB OTG and a Gigabit Ethernet MAC. With the RT3052, there are ver
- 1.1.JQM301-48L 语音芯片概述 JQM301-48L 是一款OTP 高音质的MP3 语音芯片,拥有8-BIT CISC,支持WAV 和MP3 解码;带有丰富 的外设接口:一个SPI,一个标准的UART 异步串口;音频输出可直接驱动16 欧姆耳机;带实时时钟及万年历 时钟模块功能;低功耗:休眠时待机电流约80uA;控制播放响应快速,优于同类产品;适合用于需要更换语音 或者音乐文件时间较长、音质要求较高的场合。-1.1.JQM301-48L voice chip Over
- This BC04 Bluetooth module based on British CSR Blue Core4-Ext chip,follow v2.1 +EDR Bluetooth specification. The module supports UART,USB,SPI ,PCM SPDIF interface and support for the SPI Bluetooth serial protocol, low cost, small size, low power con
- Simple WiFi无线透传模块是一款高性能、高性价比的单面邮票孔式嵌入式WiFi模块产品。SimpleWiFi最大的特点是配置简单、启动速度快,最快启动速度小于1秒。Simple WiFi是基于Uart与Spi接口的符合WiFi无线网络标准的嵌入式模块,内置无线网络协议IEEE802.11协议栈以及TCP/IP协议栈,能够实现 用户嵌入式设备数据到无线网络之间的转换。通过Simple WiFi模块,传统的嵌入式设备也能轻松接入无线WiFi网络。 - SimpleWiFi is a
- uart转spi的电路原理图和pcb,非常好用-uart spi turn the circuit schematic and pcb, very easy to use
- uart spi i2c总线协议,是一个综合比较,希望对大家有帮助-UART SPI I2C bus protocol, is a comprehensive comparison, we hope to help!!!!!!!
- LC930 是深圳灵卡技术推出的低成本,较低功耗,高性能嵌入式WiFi模块。采用高通AR9331一体化单芯片WIFI无线SOC解决方案. 内部集成CPU,WIFI基带,PA,使产品体积显著减小。LC930引出了众多功能接口,例如:串口,SPI主设备口,网口,USB口,I2S接口,GPIO口等,使得LC930可以广泛应用在无线数据传输,多媒体音视频传输,无线数据存储等应用场合。 LC930是一款基于高通Atheros ARA9331的芯片,8 MB Flash,64MB DDR2的全新功能WIFI
- I2C,SPI、I2C、UART三种串行总线协议的区别, I2C 协议标准-IIC namely system- Integrated Circuit (IC bus), the bus type was designed by philips semiconductor company in the early eighty s, and is mainly used to connect to Integrated circuits (ICS)