- This paper presents the top 10 data mining algorithms identified by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) in December 2006: C4.5, k-Means, SVM, Apriori, EM, PageRank, AdaBoost, kNN, Naive Bayes, and CART. These top 10 algorithms
- 讲述了最著名的十大数据挖掘算法,经典资料,国际权威的学术组织the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2006年12月评选出了数据挖掘领域的十大经典算法:C4.5, k-Means, SVM, Apriori, EM, PageRank, AdaBoost, kNN, Naive Bayes, and CART.-About the top ten most famous data mining algorithms, the
- 机器学习的讲义和作业,包括了SVM、隐氏马尔科夫和朴素贝叶斯等方法,非常适合初学机器学习的人!-Machine learning lectures and assignments, including SVM, Hidden Markov and Naï ve Bayes methods, machine learning is ideal for beginners!