Onloaded Shadows: Moving Shadow Map Generation from the GPU to the CPU
- Onloaded Shadows uses WARP to run the shadow map generation asynchronously on the CPU. Testing shows that Onloading Shadow map generation onto the CPU is significantly faster than any comparable GPU technique on machines with Intel integrated graphic
- This paper is concerned with the derivation of a progression of shadow-free image representations. First we show that adopting certain assumptions about lights and cameras leads to a 1-d, grey-scale image representation which is illuminant inva
- 针对平行分割阴影图算法中当光线方向与视线方向不垂直时,场景中对象被冗余渲染到多层阴影图中的问 题,提出一种基于GPU 的光源空间平行分割阴影图算法. 在光源空间中,利用光源视锥体将场景划分为不相交的多 层区域,利用GPU 为各层生成阴影图,以确保场景采样点不在多层阴影图中重复出现 同时给出了一种快速综合场 景阴影效果的绘制方法,通过避免判断像素层次的操作提高了GPU 的利用率. 实验结果表明,文中算法解决了平行 分割阴影图算法的冗余渲染问题,提高了渲染效率和场景阴影质量.-Lig