This a program for human eye tracing. using skin color segmentation.i include some database. -This is a program for human eye tracing. using skin color segmentation.i include some database.
一种基于肤色分割、区域分析和模板分布的彩色图像人脸检测算法.首先对输入的彩色图像利用混合高斯模型和亮度模型进行分割,然后根据人脸五官的结构特征对得到的区域进一步分析处理,获得所有可能的候选人脸.接着构造了一种基于双眼和人脸模板的概率模型并利用其对候选人脸进行最终检测.-Based on skin color segmentation, regional analysis and the template in color images of face detection algorithm. F
This paper presents a new human skin color model in
YCbCr color space and its application to human face
detection. Skin colors are modeled by a set of three
Gaussian clusters, each of which is characterized by a
centroid and a covariance matr
本文提出了一种肤色分割与Adaboost 人脸检测相结合的方法.-In this paper, a combination of a skin color segmentation Adaboost face detection methods.
本文针对复杂背景下的彩色正面人脸图像,将肤色分割、模板匹配与候选人脸图像块筛选结合起来,构建了人脸检测实验系统,并用自制的人脸图像数据库在该系统下进行了一系列的实验统计。-Color frontal face images under complex background, skin color segmentation, template matching candidates face image block screening combined to build a face detect
matlab基于肤色的人脸特征提取,rgb转换到ycrcb空间-based on skin color segmentation matlab face feature extraction, rgb color space conversion to Ycrcb
Estimation and Prediction of Evolving Color Distributions for Skin Segmentation Under Varying Illumination