- 网络计费系统不仅可以统计网络用户费用,而且可以监控网络数据流量。网络管理人员可以根据网络计费系统提供的数据、合理调整网络的路由、分配网络流量,从而提高网络的性能,大大加强网络的管理能力,合理控制成本。因此对于网络运营商来说,先进的计费系统是提供优质网络服务的重要保证,在提高服务质量方面起着至关重要的支撑作用。-Network accounting system can not only statistics on the cost of network users, and can monito
- Performance Comparison of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols Depends on Traffic Density by Using UWB-IR as Pyhisical and MAC Layer at Outdoor Peer to Peer Sensor Network
- 提出了一种新型的基于OLSR的层次化改进算法HOLSR,旨在提高OLSR的整体效率-This paper p roposed a novel imp roved routing p rotocol based on OLSR,called hierarchical OLSR(HOLSR)p roto2 col,which could be used in large and heavy traffic w ireless environment
- 校园网络设计方案 :1、要求设计理念先进,网络结构合理,满足实际的网络组建,并具有良好的可扩展性,适当为以后网络的升级做好准备。 2、保证某些重要楼宇的链路冗余,确保网络的稳定性。(可以适当扩展比如用生成树或者动态路由协议等来实现) 3、ip地址规划合理,既要满足实际网段的需要又不能浪费ip地址,并且尽可能的保证其连续性。 4、vlan划分既可以每楼层一个vlan又要考虑特殊情况(处于不同地域的同一个单位要同属于一个vlan) 5、保证多媒体等大流量情况下带宽的需求。(可以采用链
- adaptive routing algorithm in which the link cost are dynamically assigned using a fuzzy system. The traffic in the network is re-routed to nodes, which are less congested, or have spare capacity. Based on a set of fuzzy rules, link cost is dyn
- 本文在阐述网络发展的现状和趋势的基础上,着重分析了两种内 部网关路由选择协议砒P和OSPF协议的实现机制和性能特点。对P 协议是基于距离矢量算法的。OSPF协议是基于链路状态算法的。本 文的工作重点是对上述两种协议分别从类型,封装,路径特征,邻居 发现和支持,路由选择数据的分发,对变化的响应,路由表计算,健 壮性/可靠性以及安全性等方面进行了对比分析,并对它们存在的安 全漏洞进行了初步的分析说明。根据以上的分析,通过On忸T软件, 本文设计了一个10km×10km规模
- In this paper we introduce a new routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. The aim of this algorithm is to provide on-demand multiple disjoint paths between a data source and a destination. Our Multipath On-Demand Routing Algorithm (MDR
- Mobile Ad-Hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes in communication without using infrastructure. De-spite the importance of type of the exchanged data between the knots on the QoS of the MANETs, the mul-tiservice data were not treated by the larg
- NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide are
- 利用tiger 数据库,构建一个实际道路地图作为仿真场景,借助SUMO 交通仿真器和NS2 网络仿真平台,评估ADOV、DSR、 DSDR 3 种路由协议在城市场景车载自组网(VANET)中的适用性-This paper refers tiger database, builds a realistic road map as simulation scene. It evaluates the applicability of three routing protocols inc
- Evaluate the performance of different routing protocols in the animated special network under different conditions, size of network , traffic and mobility nodes (Persian Article)-Evaluate the performance of different routing protocols in the animated
- 车辆自组织网络 重点是路由算法的设计思路 从文献分析到选题及实验验证的一个整体研究方法思路的智能交通的作者个人报告-The self-organizing network of vehicle is the design idea of routing algorithm From the literature analysis to the topic and experimental verification of a holistic approach to the idea of