- descr iption about routing protocol in VANET network and implementation of network coding
- 车载自组网的发展与现状,包括网络结构 主要特点,应用举例,难点与重点,研究现状,物理层参数,MAC 层协议,帧结构,接入方式,802.11DCF,RR-ALOHA,CSMA/CA 和RR-ALOHA 的比较,路由协议 -Vehicle Development and Status of ad hoc networks, including the main features of network structure, application examples, difficulties wi
- Routing Protocol with prediction based mobility model in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)
- A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is a network where vehicles can disseminate information such as traffic conditions, availability of free parking lots or content. In order to fulfill VANET application requirements (Time To Live (TTL), informati
- Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are classified as an application of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) that has the potential in improving road safety and in providing travellers comfort. Recently VANETs have emerged to turn the attention of resear
- 利用tiger 数据库,构建一个实际道路地图作为仿真场景,借助SUMO 交通仿真器和NS2 网络仿真平台,评估ADOV、DSR、 DSDR 3 种路由协议在城市场景车载自组网(VANET)中的适用性-This paper refers tiger database, builds a realistic road map as simulation scene. It evaluates the applicability of three routing protocols inc
SAT A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks (2011)
- Anonymity has received increasing attention in the literature due to the users’ awareness of their privacy nowadays. Anonymity provides protection for users to enjoy network services without being traced. While anonymity-related issues have been exte
Malicious Node Detection with Intelligent AODV Protocol in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)”
- Now days, the sheer volume of road traffic affects the safety and efficiency of traffic environment. Approx 1.2 million people are killed e ach year on the road accidents. Road traffic safety has been the challenging issue in traffic management. One
- 车辆自组织网络 重点是路由算法的设计思路 从文献分析到选题及实验验证的一个整体研究方法思路的智能交通的作者个人报告-The self-organizing network of vehicle is the design idea of routing algorithm From the literature analysis to the topic and experimental verification of a holistic approach to the idea of