- map identification laquo yuan Problem descr iption : the digital image processing of an image often expressed as a macute M pixel matrix. Each pixel value is 0 or 1. The value of 0 pixel image, said background, and the value of a pixel image, said a
- 微分法 在图象中,边缘是由灰度级和相邻域点不同的象素点构成的。因而,若想增强边缘,就应该突出相邻点间的灰度级的变化-Differentiation in the image, the edge is adjacent to the gray-scale and different domains consisting of the pixel points. Thus, if the edge enhancement, it should be highlighted between adjac
- The OpenCV "Video Surveillance" facility, also called "blob tracker" through much of the code, is a simple but practical facility intended to track moving foreground objects against a relatively static background. Conceptually it consists of a three-
- 文中的方法是把图像分块,小波分解得到低频分量、高频分量,然后计算每一块的对比度,把图像块划分为清晰块、模糊块,把清晰块和模糊块相邻的区域定义为边界区域,融合时,直接选取清晰块作为融合后的相应块,对于边界区域,在小波分解的基础上采用基于对比度的像素选取的方法进行处理。-Paper, the method is to image segmentation, wavelet decomposition are low frequency, high frequency components, then
- 中值滤波,去噪 实验原理:中值滤波器是将领域内像素灰度的中值代替该像素的值,对处理脉冲噪声(椒盐噪声)非常有效。为了对一幅图像上的某个点进行中值滤波处理,必须先将掩模内欲求的像素及其领域的像素值排序,确定出中值,主要功能是使拥有不同灰度的点看起来更接近于它的邻近值。-Median filtering and denoising Test principle: median filter is to field pixel gray value instead of the pixel v
- Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. It is an ill-posed problem as the motion is in three dimensions but the ima
- 本文提出的超像素渐进合并算法应用了图论的基本框架:一幅图像被映 射成一个加权的无向图,其中超像素被当作图中的顶点,而相邻超像素之间通过边 相连,由超像素间的相似度计算出相应边的权值,通过排序每次合并权值最小的两 个超像素。-Shot into a weighted undirected graph, including super pixels as the vertices in the graph, and the adjacent pixels by boundary betw