- 这个程序的关键是表示蛇的图形以及蛇的移动。用一个小星形表示蛇的一节身体,身体每长一节,增加一个星形块,蛇头用两节表示。移动时必须从蛇头开始,所以蛇不能向相反方向移动,也就是蛇尾不能改作蛇头。如果不按任何键,蛇自行在当前方向上前移,当游戏者按了有效的方向键后,蛇头朝着指定的方向移动,一步移动一节身体,所以当按了有效的方向键后,先确定蛇头的位置,然后蛇身体随着蛇头移动,图形的实现是从蛇头的新位置开始画出蛇,这时由于没有清屏的原因,原来蛇的位置和新蛇的位置差一个单位,所以看起来蛇会多一节身体,所以将蛇
- Digital images are the most prevalent way to spread a message. So the authenticity of images is very essential. But due to advancement of the technology the editing of images has become very effortless. Copy-move forgery is most basic technique to al
- The doggie found a bone in an ancient maze, which fascinated him a lot. However, when he picked it up, the maze began to shake, and the doggie could feel the ground sinking. He realized that the bone was a trap, and he tried desperately to get out of