CodeGuru Visual C++ 编程精粹
- CodeGuru中集合上百篇优秀技术文章、评论精粹的汇编。内容包括Windows编程、控件技术、图形与多媒体、数据库技术、网络编程和COM技术等方面。 适合具备Visual C++编程基础知识的程序员作为参考使用。
- 程序源代码集合,这是本人在网上搜集到的一些经典的程序代码,以及易错的例子。第一次上传,有些许错误,望高手们见谅-A collection of program source code, which is my online collection of some of the classic to the program code, and error-prone example. The first upload, slightly wrong, hope they forgive me mas
- linux-c语言开发时用到的函数集合.可以有助快迅速开发程序所要的函数-linux-c
- C语言编程宝典,受到广大电脑爱好者和程序员的普遍欢迎,集合了众多一线程序员的多年经验-Collection of the C programming language, was widely welcomed by the majority of computer enthusiasts and programmers, a collection of many years of experience of the first programmers
- 推荐给需要学习C语言的初学者,内有网站是北大程序员测试题 的集合,本文档里面介绍了题目的难易程度-Recommend to beginners need to learn the C language, within the site is a collection of of Peking programmers test questions in this document which describes the degree of difficulty of the subject
- C语言程序源代码(大集合) 第一部分 基础篇 001 第一个C程序 002 运行多个源文件 003 求整数之积 004 比较实数大小 005 字符的输出 006 显示变量所占字节数 007 自增/自减运算 -The first part of the basis of article 001 of the C language source code (large collection) a C p
- C程序大集合,从中可以学到很多.a huge family of classic c programs ,you can learn a lot from them-a huge family of classic c programs ,you can learn a lot from them.
- 本文档为C++语言中经典代码集合,内含有函数、指针、面向对象的一些程序设计和代码详解,适合中高端开发人员和学生参考交流。-As the classic collection code in c++ language, this document contains the function, pointer, some of the object-oriented program design and code explanation, suitable for high-end develope