- 将BMP文件转换成C代码,支持8位和16位彩色,自己写来玩的-BMP will convert documents into C code and support 8 and 16-bit color, wrote the prophecies
- 1、 利用c/c++ 作为编程环境进行图像处理的编程实践,掌握Windows下的DIB图像的存储格式和编程方法。 2、 掌握图像增强的方法,利用编程进行图像增强处理。 -1, using c/c++ as a programming environment for image processing programming practice, and master the Windows under the DIB image storage format and programming
- program to display bmp image in linux c..this program works without using VGA header-program to display bmp image in linux c..this program works without using VGA header..
- 图像处理程序设计常用到Windows位图文件,分析了BMP文件结构并给出了在Visual C++程序设计中BMP文件的显示方法。-Image-processing program design to a Windows bitmap file used to analyze the BMP file structure is given in the Visual C++ Program Design BMP files display method.
- BMP Convertor for Visual C-BMP Convertor for Visual C++
- 抓屏并保存为位图文件源码,C++ 6.0下测试通过,无压缩,高质量抓屏。-Screenshots and save as bitmap file source
- This a simple program for Turbo C users that saves your graphics output(screen) as 1bit monochrome bitmap(*.bmp file)-This is a simple program for Turbo C users that saves your graphics output(screen) as 1bit monochrome bitmap(*.bmp file)
- C++(MFC)对BMP图像文件的操作,读取BMP文件。-C++ (MFC) the operation of the BMP image file, read the BMP file.
- Jpeg decompress to bmp, write in c-Jpeg decompress to bmp, write in c++
- TFT LCD code demo HARDWARE AVR mega8,16,32 BL-TFT240320PLUS. An interface can be 8/16 bit mode. TFT LCD arduino shield. SD card File APPLICATION main.c main program. scan SD card and display BMP file on lcd. readm
- 解析了BMP 图像的格式, 用c 语言按照BMP 格式读取其数据, 并利用读得的数据 实现图像的空间域的变换。-typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER
- 把黑白图像的灰度值数组用C语言保存成BMP格式的图像-The black and white image of an array of gray values stored in C language into BMP format image
- 将BMP格式的图片转换成C文件格式,支持各种色彩,和bit-let bmp file to C file,support 256 and 8bit
- The ImageConvert utility converts files of pictures in the C-like array of values. The utility creates a header file which then uses in a device firmware source code. The utility imports the data from files BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, ICO to colour formats
- 用LSB算法实现BMP信息隐藏 用C语言来实现的-using lsb to hide the information in BMP
- converts bmp to .c files for GBA game dev
- 一款将BMP图片转换成C语言的工具,适合嵌入式LCD显示点阵使用-The BMP images into a C language tools for embedded use dot matrix LCD display
- 2013年8月30日 - 适应语言:C、C++、Delphi、Java、C#、.Net 照片格式:BMP、JPGE、TIFF、GIF、FIC...开源工具:50多款人脸检测api List of 50+ Face Detection / Recogni...(August 30, 2013 -- adapted language: C, C++, Delphi, Java, C#,.Net Photo format: BMP, JPGE, TIFF, GIF, FIC... Open sourc
- A4打印须知: 1. 打印机的分辨率必须设置为每英寸 600 像素。 2. 用 A4 纸张打印 A41.bmp,A42.bmp,A43.bmp,各一张。打印后,三张粘贴为一张。 粘贴时保证视标行距均为 24mm。 3. 用 A4 ( 210mm × 297mm ) 纸张打印 A41.bmp,A42.bmp,A43.bmp 时页边距设置: a. 上边距 20mm, 下边距 25mm。 b. 左边距 9mm,右边距 9mm。 c. 可以采用其他