- This a simple algorithm that downloads trading data from yahoo database. It is basically a large scale application of sqq.m which was originally submitted by Michael Boldin, link at acknowledgements. Some of the functionalities of the package:
- Education over the Internet is the latest concept in spreading education to every one. The conveniences of learning on line are numerous. Students and those interested in learning over the computer and can choose their own timing that is convenient t
- The main RES policies and measures in Europe are focusing on RES-E. –Choice of instruments has not been prescribed or harmonized in Europe –Each country adopted own unique set of promotion instruments.
- 1991年,SUN MicroSystem公司的Jame Gosling、Bill Joe等人的研究小组针对消费电子产品开发应用程序,由于消费电子产品种类繁多,各类产品乃至同一类产品所采用的处理芯片和操作系统也不相同,就出现了编程语言的选择和跨平台的问题。当时最流行的编程语言是C和C++语言,但对于消费电子产品而言并不适用,安全性也存在问题。于是该研究小组就着手设计和开发出一种称之为Oak(即一种橡树的名字)语言。由于Oak在商业上并未获得成功,当时也就没有引起人们的注意。 -In 1991
- A discrete cosine transform (DCT) expresses a finite sequence of data points in terms of a sum of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies. DCTs are important to numerous applications in science and engineering, lossy compression of audi
- User can the image of his choice which is converted to gray scale image. When the Decomposition button is clicked, the image is divided into four bands i.e., LL, LH, HL, HH.-User can the image of his choice which is converted to gray scale image. Wh
- ECC是基于有限域上,椭圆曲线点集E所构成的群上定义的离散对数系统.有限域上椭圆曲线的选择,应避免使用超奇异曲线,以保证足够的安全性.椭圆曲线的运算为给定椭圆曲线E上的一个基点G和一个整数(1 1)nκκ≤≤,求数乘(mod )GQ pκ=,Q也是E上的一点,计算...GGG Gκ=+++ (κ个G相加)相对容易;但若给定椭圆曲线上两点G和Q,求一整数κ,使(mod )GQ pκ=,特别是当G是较高阶的基点时,则非常困难。这就是椭圆曲线离散对数问题。基于椭圆曲线离散对数问题的难解性,形成了ECC