- ABSTRACT In this paper we put forward a kind of secure LEACH routing protocol (SC-LEACH) based on low-power clusterhead selection algorithm. This protocol gets the total number of all nodes by their collaboration in selecting, to precisely calculat
- An overview of FAT12 The File Allocation Table (FAT) is a table stored on a hard disk or floppy disk that indicates the status and location of all data clusters that are on the disk. The File Allocation Table can be considered to be the "table of
- 双机热备这一概念有两种不太相同的意义:从广义上来说也称为双机互备,指的是对于重要的服务,使用两台服务器协同工作,共同执行同一个服务。当一台服务器出现故障时,可以由另一台服务器暂时相应原有的两个机器的所有服务,等待故障机的恢复和重新加入集群,从而在不需要人工干预的情况下,自动保证系统能持续提供服务。这种集群一般被称为高性能集群(High performance cluster. HPC)-Hot Standby two less the same meaning of the concept: B
- LEACH [1] is an autonomous adaptive clustering protocol that distributes the energy load evenly among the sensors in the network using randomization. The nodes organize themselves into local clusters, with one node acting as the local base stat
- I am doing research in wireless sensor network in data aggregation. here cluster head send packet to base station .by using k means cluster algorthim A network is divided into k layer. k cluster are formed in k layer . each cluster has one cluster he
- In this paper, we propose a learning automatabased weighted cluster formation algorithm calledMCFA in which the mobility parameters of the hosts are assumed to be random variables with unknown distributions. In the proposed clustering algorit
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is vulnerable to node capture attacks in which an attacker can capture one or more sensor nodes and reveal all stored security information which enables him to compromise a part of the WSN communications. Due to lar
- In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the benets of exploiting the sink mobility to prolong network lifetime have been well recognized. In physical environments, all kinds of obstacles could exit in the sensing field. Therefore, a research challenge i