- Very good article about color and texture descr iptions for CBIR.
- 提出一种基于分形理论和BP 神经网络的航空遥感图像有监督分类方法。该方法尝试将航空图像 的光谱信息和纹理特征相结合。它首先将彩色航空图像由RGB 格式转化为HSI 格式,然后,根据亮度计算分 数维、多重分形广义维数谱q-D( q) 和“空隙”等基于分形的纹理特征,同时加入归一化的色度和饱和度作为光 谱特征,采用BP 神经网络作为分类器。通过对彩色航空图像的分类实验,结果证实该方法行之有效。-Based on fractal theory and BP neural network
- 彩色影像纹理分区及其在影像压缩之应用-color Image texture district and its application in image compression
- Feature extraction is a key issue in contentbased image retrieval (CBIR). In the past, a number of texture features have been proposed in literature, including statistic methods and spectral methods. However, most of them are not able to accu
- 表面缺损检测对保证产品的使用性能、完整性和安全性具有重要意义 本文将表面 缺损类型总结为结构缺损、几何缺损、颜色缺损和纹理缺损等几类,并进行特征分析。在此基础上,从基于灰度特征、形态特征、色度特征和纹理特征等几方面对表面缺损的图像检测方法进行综-Surface defect detection products to ensure the use of performance, integrity and security will be of great significance to t
- 本文介绍了使用彩色纹理分割的彩色纹理分割聚类算法的多分辨率图像融合-The paper presents color texture segmentation using FCM for color texture segmentation based multi-resolution image fusion
- mpeg-7 homogeneous texture descr iptor algorithm
- 针对复杂背景的车牌定位问题, 提出了一种颜色和纹理分析相结合的车牌定位算法. 该算法采用基于适 *色图象相似性比较的HSV 颜色模型, 首先在颜色空间进行距离和相似度计算 然后对输入图象进行颜色分 割, 只有满足车牌颜色特性的区域, 才进入下一步的处理 最后再利用纹理及结构特征对分割出的颜色区域进行分 析和进一步判断, 并确定车牌区域. 该方法不同于大多数的车牌定位方法-License plate location for the complex background proble
- matlab图像处理算法集合,参考《基于颜色空间和纹理特征的图像检索》 -matlab image processing algorithm set, see " color Space and texture Based Image Retrieval"
- 3D Video paradigm with stereoscopic information for human visual perception is becoming another significant area of interest and research in video technology. Image cues or descr iptors such as color, texture, shape, size, etc, characterize and
- color and texture descr iptors
- 主要是视频纹理的处理,包括小车颜色根据场景而发生相应的变化,还有其他一些场景的特别处理,很好的程序,大家不妨仔细看一下。- Video texture processing , including car color depending on the scene and change accordingly , there are some other scenes special treatment , a good program , you may wish to take a cl
- Unsupervised segmentation of color-texture regions in images and video无监督的彩色图像分割方法,非常牛叉-Unsupervised segmentation of color-texture regions in images and video unsupervised color image segmentation method, is very cattle fork
- 基于内容的图像检索 基于颜色、纹理、形状的图像检索 基于区域的图像检索 基于语义的图像检索 相关反馈 -Based on the content-based image retrieval based on color, texture, shape-based image retrieval region-based image retrieval based on semantic image retrieval relevance feedback
- 本文通过对三维图形引擎流水线的研究,建立了一个简单的图形渲染引擎以满足对案件现场重建的需要。研究的主要内容包括下面几点: 1)3D引擎中的数学运算。 2)3D引擎中的基本3D流水线。 物体数据或渲染列表中多边形数据在流水线中各个坐标系之间的转换。 3)光照和着色处理 研究四种光源类型:点光源、定点光源、聚光灯和环境光源,两种着色模式: 恒定着色和Gottraud着色。 4)纹理映射 插值计算纹理坐标和一维空间采样。 5)Z缓存 -Based on the
- 基于彩色局部二值模式的纹理分类研究,采用LCVBP原理,创新实用-color texture classification based on local binary pattern studies, using LCVBP prinicple, innovation and practical
- 小波变换 颜色特征 纹理特征 图像检索 多尺度 复小波理论 -Wavelet transform color texture image retrieval feature multi-scale complex wavelet theory
- segmentation The result of image segmentation is a set of segments that collectively cover the entire image, or a set of contours extracted the image (see edge detection). Each of the pixels in a region are similar with respect to some characterist
- coler design segmentation The result of image segmentation is a set of segments that collectively cover the entire image, or a set of contours extracted the image (see edge detection). Each of the pixels in a region are similar with respect to some
- 彩色图象的特征提取与计算软件设计说明书。说明书中介绍了一些彩色图象的特征提取方法,包括颜色、纹理、特征点的提取,另外还介绍了几种图像分割的方法。-This is a color image feature extraction and calculation software design specification.This paper based on color and texture, methods of extracting feature points, and some imag