- 针对人脸识别中图像前期处理的人脸图像归一化问题,用AdaBoost Cascade方法检测出人脸和眼裂,提出以两眼裂中心点连线为基准进行水平旋转和尺度的归一化矫正方法。与通常的利用两眼瞳距方法相比较,该方法更加快速准确,能处理多达20°的倾斜,对戴眼镜、图像模糊、俯视、仰视、斜视等情况的鲁棒性更好。 A novel approach was presented, using the line between the two center points of the palpebral fiss
- Face detection algorithms are widely used in computer vision as they provide fast and reliable results depending on the application domain. A multi view approach is here presented to detect frontal and profile pose of people face using Histogram of
- Code takes two images-detect faces-transform them into feature with LBP-calculates histogram according to LBP codes and compare histograms you can change the parameters that how many pieces you want to fall the face to or change LBP parameters
- 视频跟踪是视频信息处理的一个重要研究方向。交通信息管理、公安刑事侦查过程中人的跟踪占有很大比例。基于人脸特征的视频跟踪主要研究视频信息中人脸特征的提取,人脸特征的对比算法,人的运动的分析方法,及跟踪方法,跟踪结果的表示。- criminal investigation,anti-terrorism and military installations. Consequently, to recognize person identity speedy and exactly in large