- 用邻接矩阵法建一无向连通图(顶点信息为字符),分别用dfs(深度优先搜索)和bfs(广度优先搜索)遍历,输出图中顶点信息并验证。-Adjacency matrix to build an undirected connected graph (vertex information for characters), respectively dfs (depth-first search), and bfs (breadth-first search) traversal, the output
- The basis of branch and bound algorithms is a ranking function. The ranking function assigns a value to each node in the graph. At each step, a branch and bound algorithm uses the ranking function to decide which node to expand next. In contrast, the
- 图的深度及广度遍历 首先创建一个无向图,顶点用一个一维数组存储,弧用一个二维数组存储,不相邻顶点之间设置无限大。深度遍历时设置顶点的布尔函数,访问过的顶点布尔值为true,递归调用DFS函数。广度遍历时,结合队列的存储方式,进行遍历。-Figure traverse the depth and breadth of First create a non-directed graph, vertex with a one-dimensional array to store the arc w
- 用邻接矩阵实现图的基本操作:创建,销毁,增删修改顶点,增删弧或边,DFS,BFS等-Graph with adjacency matrix to achieve basic operations: create, destroy, modify vertex deletions, additions and deletions arcs or edges, DFS, BFS, etc.
- 好用的c++算法实现,对图论,DFS框架,排序等算法的学习非常有用-Easy to use c++ algorithms, graph theory, DFS frame, sorting algorithms, such as learning useful