- New DTC Control Scheme for Induction Motors fed with a Three-level Inverter
- dtc of PMSM using three level inverter
- 随着异步电机开始在交流调速领域占统治地位,针对高性能异步电机的调速系统 研究得到广泛关注。特别是 20 世纪 80 年代直接转矩控制(DTC)的出现,以其简洁高 效的控制方式,进一步提高异步电机的性能。但传统 DTC 存在转矩和磁链滞环宽度使 得稳态时也会产生转矩脉动。因此高性能控制需要窄的滞环宽度,相应要求高逆变器开 关频率。大功率场合下必须低开关损耗和良好转矩控制性能,传统 DTC 难以同时满足 需求。 -With the beginning of the AC in
- Abstract—In this paper, a direct thrust control (DTC) of linear induction motor (LIM) has been developed and a comprehensive study is presented. DTC is a method based on primer flux control in the stationary reference frame using direct contr