- Wi-Fi(wlan 无线局域网)作为当今无线领域最为热门的一个技术, 已经应用到各行各业中。它使用TCP标准通讯,技术成熟可靠,传输速率快,各种配套的网络设备十分丰富,使用者接受程度最高, 全球免费使用,是区域无线通讯的首选方案。 SOC芯片,性价比极高,质量稳定,内置WiFi协议栈和串口传输协议,接口信号5V、地、RX 、TX四线连接; ◆ 模块简洁、体积小,22*60*5 mm; ◆ 用户接口开发简单快捷,串口驱动 ,内置协议栈,无需操作系统支持; ◆ MSC51/
- In today’s most of the Adhoc networks needs the reliable connection to transfer the data. Most number of data packets loss is experienced in the Adhoc networks due to Transfer control protocol(TCP)’s high channel error rate and link failur
- UPnP technology provides an effective foundation for networked devices that need simple, seamless interoperability for the home, office, and public domain. The UPnP device architecture enables connectivity of devices of all form factors. It provides
- This paper presents a simple but fast and effective method to detect TCP SYN flooding attacks. Linear prediction analysis is proposed as a new paradigm for DoS attack detection. The proposed SYN flooding detection mechanism makes use of the exp
- 第三卷的内容细节覆盖了当今TCP/IP编程人员和网络管理员必须熟练掌握的四个基本方面: T/TCP (TCP事务协议),这是对TCP的扩展,使客户 服务器间的事务传输更快更有效和更可靠; HTTP (超文本传送协议),这是飞速扩展中的万维网的基础; NNTP (网络新闻传送协议),这是Usennet新闻系统的基础; UNIX域协议,这是在UNIX实现中应用非常广泛的一套协议。 与前面两卷一样,本书有丰富的例子和实现的细节,他们都是4.4