导体通常指电阻率 < 10-4 · cm 的物质。金属和合金一般都是导体,如铝、金、钨、铜、镍铬 等。能带能隙很小或为 0 , 在室温下电子很容易获得能量而跃迁至导带而导电。-Usually refers to a conductor resistivity < 10-4 cm material. Metals and alloys are generally conductors such as aluminum,
关于电法二维和三维的算法的国外博士做的博士论文,很难得的学习文献。对于学电法和物探成像的研究生很有帮助。-Do foreign doctoral dissertation on electrical method of two-dimensional and three-dimensional algorithms difficult learning literature. Graduate helpful for to learn electrical Law and geophysical
3D电阻率反演Matlab程序 RESINVM3D is a MATLAB package for inverting 3D Dc Resistivity and Electrical Resistivity Tomography data.-3D resistivity inversion of Matlab procedures RESINVM3D is a MATLAB package for inverting 3D Dc Resistivity and Electrical Resis