- 访客易介绍TSV-P2 政府机关、企事业单位、部队、学校、居民小区等一般均在大门出入口处设置门卫或传达室,对进出的非本单位人员(包括车辆)进行管理及咨询服务-Visitors easy to introduce TSV-P2 government agencies, enterprises, military units, schools, residential quarters and other generally set at the entrance gate guard or j
- 基于RFID门禁管理系统的设计,本系统基于Windows XP 操作系统Microsoft Visual C++平台,模拟门禁控制器。硬件采用深圳先施公司提拱的Sense ISO18000-6C I系列读写器,以及串口通迅API软件开发包。通过RFID技术,验证电子钥匙(RFID标签)的合法性,控制电子门锁的开启,同时系统可以对RFID标签信息进行修改删除管理-rfid-based entrance guard system design
- 16单片机和PC机通讯方法.用KEIL软件,C语言写作而成.其中有一些方法,大家共同一起看看.以后我们怎么向PC传输数据.-This is 51 entrance guard, compiled using C. There are some things can bus electronic experiment together. There is a time how separation. How algorithms. You can borrow. Can also take a l
- Wiegand协议是国际上统一的标准,是由摩托罗拉公司制定的一种通讯协议。它适用于涉及门禁控制系统的读卡器和卡片的许多特性。 -Wiegand protocol is a unified standard in the world, as well as formulated by MOTOROLA, a communication protocol.It is suitable for the entrance guard control system of the reader, and m