- 此文档设计主要一个涉及一个算法的研究。相关匹配是目标跟踪和模式识别的一种重要方法。介绍了**)(电荷耦合器件)误差测 量系统的光学原理F针对该测量系统实际情况,提出了用相关算法实现目标位置的测量F 使用自适应相关匹配的方法,实现了对连续视频图像中动态目标的跟踪F 给出了实验结果,并对算法提出了改进的意见。-This document is primarily designed a study involving an algorithm. Correlation matching targe
- 基于统计决策规则提出自适应采样数粒子滤波算法, 在定义综合性能风险函数的基础, 推导出粒子数与滤波误差方差之间的关系式, 使得在跟踪过程中, 可以根据目标的机动情况在线调节粒子数, 以使跟踪性能 达到最优。在Matlab仿真平台下进行了闪烁噪声下的机动目标跟踪实验, 结果表明, 自适应采样数粒子滤波算法是一种有效的机动目标跟踪方法, 跟踪性能较基本粒子滤波算法提高了3.17倍。-Based on statistical decision rules of the number of adap
- This thesis aimed to eliminate tracking error of traveling a circular profile on the CNC machine tools. Friction is one of the most significant source of nonlinear disturbance for the motion control which caused by the relative motion of differ
- 此文档为IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING信号源被动定位与跟踪领域经典文章“Alleviating Sensor Position Error in Source Localization Using Calibration Emitters at Inaccurate Locations”的PDF版原文,相关程序另外上传,进行相同领域研究的童鞋可以参考学习!-This document is for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON S
- This paper presents the Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Matrix Converters (DPC-MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Since matrix converters allow direct AC/AC power conversion without intermediate energy storage link, t
- 超紧耦合是 GPS/INS 组合导航系统的最新研究方向,它采用 INS 测得的载体动态信息辅助 GPS 接收机跟踪环 路,消除卫星信号中由于载体与卫星之间相对运动所产生的频率偏移,提高接收机在高动态环境下载波跟踪性能,同时还 可以压缩带宽,有效增强接收机抗干扰性能。介绍 GPS/INS 超紧耦合技术,给出 INS 辅助 GPS 载波跟踪环路结构图和相应 的数学模型,分析 INS 辅助 GPS 跟踪环路在动态环境下的动态残留及其对环路相位误差的影响,并进行了模型仿真,最后 对仿真结
- This paper presents the simulation performance of the all-digital symbol timing recovery using the Gardner Timing Error Detector over π/4-DQPSK modulation. The open loop statistics, the S-curve and the normalized timing error variance, were investiga
- 很好的GPS/INS超紧组合导航的文章,关键词:GPS,INS,超紧组合导航,抗干扰-The performance of an Ultra-Tightly Coupled (UTC) Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System (GPS/INS) is evaluated using a system simulation of the GPS receiver and navigation processing.
- This file discribes a structure for stabilization and tracking between two identical hyperchaotic lu systems with different initial conditions and nonlinear control input. On the basis of Lyapounov theory, a first order sliding mode controller is des
- Abstract-This paper proposes an adaptive robust fuzzy controller for the tracking problem of a class of uncertain nonlinear MIMO systems. The control signal is comprised of two parts. One part is an adaptive fuzzy controller which approximates the sy
- 交流位置伺服系统因其存在参数时变、负载扰动以及电机的非线性等缺点, 很难为其建立准确的模型. 模糊( fuzzy)控制具有无需建立被控对象的数学模型、鲁棒性好等 优点,但稳态精度差. 将模糊控制和PID 控制相结合,设计了Fuzzy-PID 双模控制器. 在论域内 用不同的控制方式分段实现控制,这样就综合了模糊控制和PID 控制的优点,克服了各自的缺 点. 该控制器结构简单、易于实现. 在半闭环交流位置伺服系统上所做的实验表明,采用Fuzzy- PID 双模控制器与采用经典P
- 本文提出了一种新的算法为SINS辅助GPS跟踪环误差分析与最优带宽设计-This paper presents a new algorithm for the SINS assisted GPS tracking loop bandwidth of the error analysis and optimal design
- The extended Kalman filter (EKF) has been widely used as a nonlinear filtering method for radar tracking problems. However, it has been found that in case cross-range measurement errors of the target position are large, the performance of the
- A new approach to improved filter design is presented for the radar tracking problem. An idealized version of the extended Kalman filter, which is unrealizable in practice, is constructed using a universal linearization concept, and then it i
- Bug-Tracking mechanism is employed only is some of the large software development houses. Most of the others never bothered with bug tracking at all, and instead simply relied on shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. This procedure
- Viterbi decoder is mainly used in communication systems where error detecting and correcting is so important. This based on trailis diagram decoding methos. Which will use minimum humming distance formula to predect error and get corrected data inste
- 卡尔曼滤波器是一个对动态系统的状态序列进行线性最小误差估计的算法,一般用于线性系统。一般在运动跟踪领域中摄像机相对于目标物体运动有时属于非线性系统,但由于在一般运动跟踪问题中图像采集时间间隔较短,可近似将单位时间内目标在图像中的运动看作匀速运动,采用卡尔曼滤波器可以实现对目标运动参数的估计。-Kalman filter is a state sequence of linear dynamic systems smallest error estimation algorithm for lin
- 光伏并网系统以MSP430F169 单片机为核心,单片机输出SPWM 波形经IR2110驱动H桥,实现DC-AC 逆变。最大功率点跟(MPPT)绝对误差小于1 ,利用430单片机软件实现锁相环,用参考频率作为基准频率,对MSP430单片机的外中断和定时器测定相位,当反馈的电压信号相位滞后(超前)于参考信号的相位时,就增大(减小)SPWM的频率;达到相位和频率同步。包括阻性负载,以及非阻性负载,实现了频率跟踪,相位跟踪。DC-AC 转换效率达88 ,人机接口LCD液晶显示器,界面直观、简洁,显示输
- Straight line detection is still a challenging task in image processing. Though many methods have been put forward before, most of them have some limitations. In this paper, we propose a novel method for straight line detection based on chain cod