- 火灾自动报警系统能够在火灾初期,将燃烧产生的烟雾、热量和光辐射等物理量,通过感温、感烟和感光等火灾探测器变成电信号,传输到火灾报警控制器,并同时显示出火灾发生的部位,记录火灾发生的时间。-Automatic fire alarm system early in the fire will be burning smoke, heat and light radiation, such as physical, through the sense of temperature, smoke and
- Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of small self-contained devices with computational, sensing and wireless communication capabilities. They allow flexible, powerful, tetherless, automated data collection and monitoring systems to be crea
- vhdl source code of fire detection system/fire alarm system especially for high rise building? This among the requirement :- according to my "fire detection system for tall building" project by using Spartan 3E FPGA, the vhdl program need
- 火灾报警电路是利用两个温度传感器输出的差值来判断室内是否有火灾,然后运用的是一个差分放大电路,根据实际需要,我们可以适当的改变放大的倍数,这样可以避免温漂使设计的产品更有实用性。接着使用的是一个单限电压比较器,这样可以选择性的让危险电压值通过,最后实现报警。在报警的时候,首先会运用一个发光二极管,在电压达到一定值的时候,发光二极管就会伴同蜂鸣器一起工作,一边发光一边有声音,达到报警的作用。-Fire alarm circuit is the use of the difference betwe
- 采用主动式红外传感器进行检测,并配备烟雾传感器和燃气泄漏传感器,实现防火、防燃气泄漏的作用。-Active infrared sensors to detect, and change the traditional anti-theft network security windows tangible for the intangible, to the fire escape. And equipped with smog sensor and gas leak sensors, fire
- Wireless sensor network-based fire detection, alarming, monitoring and prevention system for Bord-and-Pillar coal mines
- This a digital home security system with voice feature which can monitor room temperature, smoke, motion, and windows & doors. The goal of this project is to utilize the after-market parts and build an integrated home security system. Besides tradi
- 火灾作为一种发生频率高、破坏性强的灾害,已受到了人们的大力重视。本文依据传感器检测技术和单片机技术的发展,从人们日趋严重的安全问题出发,设计了适用于居民住房的基于单片机的智能火灾报警系统。该系统采用了感温和感烟探测器相结合的探测方法,能更加准确的报警,从而降低误报率。以AT89S52单片机为控制器,通过温度传感器、烟雾传感器采集现场火灾信号,经信号处理、A/D转换送入单片机,单片机经过数据处理、与设定值比较、判断是否超过报警上限,若未超过,则由数码管显示器显示烟雾浓度和温度;若超过,则由数码管显
- 这是用在MATLAB环境上,做出的火灾预警系统的论文,基于多传感器数据融合技术的加以改进的火灾预警系统。-It is used in the MATLAB environment, make a fire warning system papers, based on multi-sensor data to improve the fire warning system integration technology.
- Smart home is a house that uses technology to monitor the environment with the help of various sensors, control the electrical appliances and communicate the outer world. Now-a-days the demand for home automation systems in homes and offices are inva