- 联盛多合一读卡器方案UT367参考电路图-USbest program of all-in-one flash card reader UT367 reference circuit
- 尊重原创是一种美德。然而对于不会说话的工具而言,其本身又岂会有善恶之分?有善恶之分的,是使用这些工具的人。-Respect for the originality is a virtue. However, for a tool can not speak in terms of its own how could a good or evil? There are good or evil is that people who use these tools.
- 这是一款烧写flash的工具,比较好用!-this is a flash tools
- 自己写的SDHC卡驱动测试,用Keil C写,并且用串中调试工具读出指定扇区的内容.本程序在4G 金士顿 SDHC卡上测试.-Write your own test drive of SDHC card with Keil C write, and debug tools with string read out the contents of the specified sector of this program in Kingston 4G SDHC card to test.
- eeupdate是Intel的以太网卡底层工具,可用于修改flash,eeprom和nvm的设置。该文档包含了eeupdate tools的用法说法。本人总结。-eeupdate is an utility for Intel NIC, which can modify the setting of flash, eeprom and nvm on NIC. This doc covers the usage of eeupdate. Written by myself.