A Nonlinear Adaptive Filter for Online Signal
- This paper presents various applications of a nonlinear adaptive notch filter which operates based on the concept of an enhanced phase-locked loop (PLL). Applications of the filter for online signal analysis for power systems protection, control a
- 基于统计决策规则提出自适应采样数粒子滤波算法, 在定义综合性能风险函数的基础, 推导出粒子数与滤波误差方差之间的关系式, 使得在跟踪过程中, 可以根据目标的机动情况在线调节粒子数, 以使跟踪性能 达到最优。在Matlab仿真平台下进行了闪烁噪声下的机动目标跟踪实验, 结果表明, 自适应采样数粒子滤波算法是一种有效的机动目标跟踪方法, 跟踪性能较基本粒子滤波算法提高了3.17倍。-Based on statistical decision rules of the number of adap