- 采用主动式红外传感器进行检测,并配备烟雾传感器和燃气泄漏传感器,实现防火、防燃气泄漏的作用。-Active infrared sensors to detect, and change the traditional anti-theft network security windows tangible for the intangible, to the fire escape. And equipped with smog sensor and gas leak sensors, fire
- We use Atmel AVR ATmega8535 microcontroller and LM35 temperature sensor as the main components of the system. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and buzzer are used to display the server room temperature and as an alarm, respectively. In order to alert the
- This project send sms remotely is designed to send sms to a desired location without monitoring.An honeywell sensor was conect to a digital multi meter to collect the voltages given by the sensor the multimeter was conect to the computer with a rs232