- “Next to My Life, Software Is My Passion”——Robert C.Martin. 懂了设计模式,你就懂了面向对象分析和设计(OOA/D )的精要。反之好像也可能成 立。道可道,非常道。道不远人,设计模式亦然如此。 一直想把自己的学习经验以及在项目中的应用经历拿出来和大家共享,却总是下不了这 个决心:GoF 的23 种模式研读、总结也总需要些时日,然而时间对于我来说总是不可预计 的。
- Grid computing is form of distributed computing and task scheduling is heart of grid computing. In this paper, we studied task scheduling and various types of system model used for task scheduling. Various possible task states and performance metrics
- 1] Lamberts RJ, Thijs RD, Laffan A, Langan Y, Sander JW. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: people with nocturnal seizures may be at highest risk. Epilepsia 2012 53(2):253–7. [2] Zijlmans M, Flanagan D, Gotman J. Heart rate changes and ECG a