- A new approach toward target representation and localization, the central component in visual tracking of nonrigid objects, is proposed. The feature histogram-based target representations are regularized by spatial masking with an isotropic kernel.
- A fault identification with fuzzy C-Mean clustering algorithm based on improved ant colony algorithm (ACA) is presented to avoid local optimization in iterative process of fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) clustering algorithm and the difficulty in fault cl
- 包含国内外介绍局部均值分解(一种非平稳信号处理方法)的文献。-articles about Local Mean Decomposition method.
- In data mining, k-means clustering is a method of cluster analysis which aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean. This results in a partitioning of the data space into Vo
- 由于光线分布不均匀或斑块噪音干扰等原因,往往使所要处理的指纹的灰 度值分布缺乏均匀性。在指纹特征自动识别提取过程中,造成许多传统的算法在局部出 现很大的误差。利用方差和均值特征的自动提取方法,首次对不均匀灰度图像进行自适 应分割。然后通过对图像分区域进行不同程度的自适应调整,使具有相同属性的像素单 元具有近似的灰度值分布。调整结果的灰度均匀水平与预先指定的调整精度成正比。这 种调整不仅提高了图像分割的自适应性,而且进一步扩大了一般阈值算法的应用领域。-Gray value d
- 将均值偏移算法嵌入到粒子滤波的跟踪框架中.该算法克服了粒子滤波计算量较大的缺点,同时也克服了均值偏移算法容易陷入局部最大且无法恢复的缺点.实验表明该算法有很好的实时性和鲁棒性.-The mean shift algorithm is embedded into the particle filter tracking framework of the particle filter algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of large amount of c
- A novel fault feature extraction method based on the local mean decomposition technology and multi-scale entropy is proposed in this paper. When fault occurs in roller bearings, the vibration signals picked up would exactly display non-stationary
- 改进的非局部均值去噪,采用均值和方差选择相似的图像块。-Improved non-local means denoising, using the mean and variance of the to similar images.
- None local mean filtering , image processing , matlab
- Extraction of the Oscillatory Parameters of Low Frequency Oscillation Based on Improved Local Mean Decomposition
- 1993年gao的局部均值与局部标准差法来估计图像噪声,可参考-GAO 1993 local mean and local standard deviation method to estimate the image signal to noise ratio, can be reference
- 针对基本快速扩展随机树(RRT)算法存在搜索过于平均、效率低下、用时较长的缺陷,提出了一种偏向目标型的改进型RRT算法。这种算法在生成随机点时以一定概率选择最终目标点作为局部目标点,使树的扩展有一个趋向于最终目标点的趋势,从而加快了算法的收敛速度,优化了规划路径-For basic fast Random Tree (RRT) search algorithm exists too mean, inefficient, long time with defects, we proposed a