- Fixed broadband wireless access is a promising technology allowing Internet service providers to expend their customer base in sparsely populated rural areas. Because the size of the target service area is humongous, relay in- frastructure is e
- 一种多阶段供应商选择的混合整数规划模型A multi-stage vendor selection mixed integer programming model-A multi-stage vendor selection mixed integer programming model
- CVX是构建和解决纪律凸程序(应课税品许可证)建模系统。 CVX支持 一些标准的问题类型,包括线性和二次规划(LPS/ QP的),第二阶 锥程序(SOCPs)和半定规划(SDP的)。 CVX也可以解决复杂得多 凸优化问题,包括许多涉及不可微的功能,如`1规范。您 可以使用CVX方便地提出和解决约束范数最小化,熵最大化, 行列式最大化等诸多凸程序。随着2.0版本,CVX也解决了混合 整纪律凸程序(MIDCPs)为好,用适当的整数解算能力。-CVX is a mo
- 在最佳位置和合同双层办法 分布式发电的径向分布定价 使用混合整数线性规划系统-Bilevel approach for optimal location and contract pricing of distributed generation in radial distribution systems using mixed-integer linear programming
- The genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained and unconstrained optimization problems that is based on natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution. The genetic algorithm repeatedly modifies a population of individ
- program of mixed integer optimaization