三星的全系列的nand flash的选型指导和命名规范
- 三星的全系列的nand flash的选型指导和命名规范,对于选择合适的flash很有帮助,Samsung nand flash a full range of the selection guide and naming convention, and the choice of a suitable flash helpful
- 自己总结的nand flash报告,对nand flash与nor flash 做了比较全面的比较-Nand flash their summary report, nor flash and nand flash done a more comprehensive comparison
- OneNAND闪存在嵌入式系统中的应用 OneNAND Flash是三星公司开发的一类Flash芯片,它克服了传统NAND Flash接口复杂的缺点,具有接口简单、读写速度快、容量大、寿命长、成本低等优点。文章从软硬件两方面介绍了其在嵌入式系统中的应用,特别是逻辑块和物理块地址的映射、读写擦操作、坏块处理、性能优化等技术。-OneNAND flash memory in embedded system applications developed by Samsung' s OneNA
- 这是一篇nand Flash烧写文档,有需要的,可以拿去。-This is a nand Flash the programming document, it is necessary, it may 拿去.
- 提出一种应用于 NAND Flash 控制器的并行 BCH 编/译码器,在译码阶段引入流水线操作和分组预取译码操作,提升 BCH 码的译 码效率。实验结果表明,在 NAND Flash 的 2 KB 页读取操作中,该编/译码器纠正 8 bit 的随机错误只需要 565 个周期的译码时间,是采用按页预取译码方式所需时间的 1/4。 -Anew architecture of parallel BCH encoder and decoder applied in NAND Flash Con
- 关于nand flash的地址计算方法的文章,讲的非常通俗易懂,也很全面详尽。-The address on the nand flash calculation method of the article, in a very user-friendly, but also very comprehensive and detailed.
- 基于S3C2410的最小系统。该系统具备:电源电路、复位电路、晶振电路、JTAG调试接口、64M SDRAM内存、2M NOR FLASH(存放启动程序和操作系统等)、64M NAND FLASH(存放图片、视频等数据),原理图(PROTEL制图).-Minimum System Based on S3C2410. The system includes: a power supply circuit, reset circuit, crystal oscillator circuit, JTA
- NAND Flash has become the most widely used electronic stable storage technology for embedded systems. As on-board storage capacity increases, the need for efficient indexing techniques arises. Such techniques are very challenging to design due to
- it is a good reference document for a beginner to study nand flash , in this doc have a lot of basic concept about flash
- NAND Flash MTD驱动程序编写-Tell us how to write a NAND flash Driver
NAND Flash Table
- This table is a list of many different flash chips of varying types and an assessment of their detection in the MTD subsystem of the current Linux kernel.