- descr iption about routing protocol in VANET network and implementation of network coding
- 使用NS2对MANET网络路由协议基于仿真的性能分析-Tutorial for Simulation-based Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols in ns-2 In this tutorial, we initially discuss the general installation and configuration of ns-2. Later on, we will discuss how to simulate
- This paper addresses mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) simulations with the simulation tool network simulator NS-2. Since the simulation software does not include advanced protocols and sophisticated mobile network nodes new implementations have been
- Help to make routing protocol in ns-2
- In today’s most of the Adhoc networks needs the reliable connection to transfer the data. Most number of data packets loss is experienced in the Adhoc networks due to Transfer control protocol(TCP)’s high channel error rate and link failur
- NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide are
NS 2 Simulator for Beginners
- NS 2 Simulator for Beginners Tutorial for Simulation-based Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols in ns-2 By Karthik sadasivam
- 本文在掌握多种网络路由算法的基础上,通过广泛地收集资料和学习,深入了解和分析各种经典的路由算法,对国内外时延计算的各种算法进行分析和阐述,并简要说明了各种算法的工作原理、内部联系及相互转化的条件。并实现了基于NS-2的仿真软件环境下,对现有较为经典的Wfq和VC算法进行软件仿真,对算法仿真结果特点进行分析,最终得出两种算法时延结论,从而确保整个网络高性能运行提供理论支持。-In this paper, master a variety of network routing algorithm b
- AODV+ routing protocol is used for MANET+Internet and MANET+INTERNET+MANET in NS-2 version ns2.33/34