- We have used phase-sensitive ultrashort-pulse interferometry to study the modifi cation of optical pulse propagation near the photonic band edges in colloidal crystals consisting of polystyrene spheres in water. A strong suppression of the group
- 光子晶体光纤的资料,希望对你有所帮助,为外文。-Microstructured optical fibers, nonlinear optics, periodic structures, photonic band gaps (PBGs), photonic-crystal fibers (PCFs), waveguides.
- photonic crystal optical switch papers
- Novel applications of one-dimensional photonic crystal in optical buffering and optical time division multiplexing
- Photonic crystals are attractive optical materials for controlling and manipulating the flow of light. One dimensional photonic crystals are already in widespread use in the form of thin-film optics with applications ranging from low and high reflect
- In contrast with conventional optical fibers, photonic crystal fibers (PCF) present a diversity of new and improved features, which provide several new applications such as nonlinear fiber optics, fiber lasers, supercontinuum generation, and fibe
- Recent advances in nanophotonic structures covering both photonic crystals (PhC) and metamaterials are reviewed. Useful properties have been obtained metal-based planar Split Ring Resonator (SRR) structures at infra-red optical frequencies and wo
- Three-dimensionally periodic (3D) photonic crystals that operate in the optical frequency domain have become a concrete reality – and evidence of full photonic bandgap behaviour has been demonstrated reasonably convincingly. Techniques have been