- 对称/分组密码一般分为流加密(如OFB、CFB等)和块加密(如ECB、CBC等)。对于流加密,需要将分组密码转化为流模式工作。对于块加密(或称分组加密),如果要加密超过块大小的数据,就需要涉及填充和链加密模式,文中提到的ECB和CBC等就是指链加密模式。 本文将要介绍了AES对称加密/分组加密/流密码及其ECB、CBC、CFB、OFB和CTR五种对称加密模式。,Symmetric/block ciphers are generally divided into stream encryption
- Rijndael加密算法是分组长度可变的分组密码。分组长度,密钥长度可以为128,192,256比特。 假设加密的中间结果为状态State。状态State可以用类似于元素为一字节的矩阵来表示,矩阵的行数为4,列数为Nb,Nb等于分组长度除以32。 -Rijndael encryption algorithm is the grouping variable length block cipher. Packet length, key length for the bit 128,192
- RDS(Radio Data System)数据广播系统是将数字信号调制到调频波段 (87.5~108MHz)并以广播的形式发送的一种信号传输系统。这种传输模式在北美 和欧洲得到了采用,而且得到越来越多的其他国家的关注。在北美和欧洲 都有 相应的标准,即RBDS 和RDS。 传输数据时,数据加载到57KHz 的副载波频段。副载波经过调制以适应固定 的双相编码信号。这个副载波经过抑制以避免调制后的数据在锁相环立体声解码 器中产生混叠同时还要与德国同样采用57KHz 频率作为
- In this paper, a robust DWPT based adaptive bock algorithm with modified threshold for denoising the sounds of musical instruments is proposed. The signal is first segmented into multiple blocks depending upon the minimum mean square criteria in each
- Simulink® and Stateflow® model of a full duplex Bluetooth communication link transmitting HV1, HV2, HV3, and SCORT [1] voice packets, and DM1 data packets. A system parameters block configures the whole model s packet type, slot pair and chan
- Low-density parity-check convolutional codes offer the same good error-correcting performance as low-density parity-check block codes while having the ability to encode and decode arbitrary lengths of data. This makes these codes well suited