- a real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module
- real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module an
- 3D Head Trajectory using a Single Camera Video surveillance applications need tools to track people trajectories. We present here a new method to extract the 3D head trajectory of a person in a room using only one calibrated camera. A 3D ellips
- 高斯滤波,3D重建,人体姿态识别.最近比较高端的顶级论文,TIP的文章-A Gaussian Process Guided Particle Filter for 3D human pose
- 《Python极客项目编程》里面讲解了一些很好玩的项目。 利用参数方程和turtle模块生成万花尺图案; ● 通过模拟频率泛音在计算机上创作音乐; ● 将图形图像转换为ASCII文本图形; ● 编写一个三维立体画程序,生成隐藏在随机图案下的3D图像; ● 通过探索粒子系统、透明度和广告牌技术,利用OpenGL着色器制作逼真的动画; ● 利用来自CT和MRI扫描的数据实现3D可视化; ● 将计算机连接到Arduino编程,创建响应音乐的激光秀。(Python Geek Program