PCD数据是Point Cloud Library(PCL)开发库的数据类型,大家如果使用点云开发的话,需要用到这些数据作为示例。-PCD (Point Cloud Data) file format is used inside Point Cloud Library (PCL).
The PCD file format is not meant to reinvent the wheel, but rather to complement existing file formats
PCL--Point Cloud Library,重点介绍点云库中的文件格式,文件显示,点云滤波,特征提取,特征描述,点云拼接,点云分割等-PCL- Point Cloud Library, highlights the point cloud library file format, the documents show, the point cloud filtering, feature extraction, characterization, point clouds, point c
vtk库配置,在QT环境下进行点云显示编码,利用了VTK库,首先要对VTK库进行配置-vtk library configuration, the QT environment for point cloud display coding, the use of the VTK library, we must first be configured VTK library
pcd点云文件格式,在pcl点云库中实现两个pcd文件的点云配准-pcd point cloud file formats to achieve two pcd file in the library pcl point cloud point cloud registration