- The Compartmented Robust Posix C++ Unit Test system. crpcut is a simple to use unit test system for C++, where each test case is run in its own process and own working directory, to ensure that each test case starts from a clean slate. -The Compartme
- 述ACE的结构和功能,并使用来自像电信、企业级医学成像和WWW服务这样的领域的例子阐释核心的ACE特性。ACE可以自由使用,并正在被用于许多商业项目(比如爱立信、Bellcore、西门子、摩托罗拉、柯达,和McDonnell Douglas),以及许多学院和工业研究项目。ACE已被移植到多种OS(操作系统)平台上,包括Win32和大多数的UNIX/POSIX实现-ACE described the structure and function, and use come from as tele
- Set up a C programming environment with shell facilities, makefiles, text editors, debuggers, and memory checkers Use Autotools, C’s de facto cross-platform package manager Learn which older C concepts should be downplayed or deprecated Expl
- 此书为POSIX多线程程序设计英文版。本书深入描述了IEEE的开放系统接口标准-POSIX线程,通常称为Ptherads标准。--This book describes in depth the open system interface standard IEEE-POSIX threads, commonly known as Ptherads standards. This book first explains the basic concepts of threads, includi