rtklib_2.4.1 卫星数据解算的程序
- rtklib 版本2.4.1 An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning 日本开源网站上提供的关于卫星数据解算的程序。All of the executable binary APs for Windows are included in the package as well as whole source programs of the library and the APs. * For real-time PP
- 多线程实现生产者消费者模型,分为四个函数,一个为生产者函数,一个消费者函数,一个退出函数,一个 主函数。-Multi-threaded implementation of the producer-consumer model, divided into four functions, a function as a producer and a consumer function, an exit function, a primary function.
- this implemented by pthread(share library) to draw the mandelbrot set.Using the iteration to try to compute the x and y value.and divide work by rows to any other threads to complete the total jobs.-this is implemented by pthread(share library) to dr
- this implemented by pthread(share library) to draw the mandelbrot set.Using the iteration to try to compute the x and y value.and divide work by dynamic mode (different from static)by rows to any other threads to complete the total jobs.-this is impl
- 轻量级的 线程库 pthread入门文档,值得学习下载-Lightweight threads library pthread entry document, it is worth learning download
- 在类Unix操作系统(Unix、Linux、Mac OS X等)中,都使用Pthreads作为操作系统的线程。Windows操作系统也有其移植版pthreads-win32。phread介绍了线程的创建、共享等功能-In Unix-like operating systems (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.), use Pthreads as the operating system threads. Windows operating system has its p