- 在完成这篇记实文学之后,尤其在完成文稿的打字与校对之后,一股巨大的负疚感袭上心头。我不能不遗憾地告诉大家,在编辑或读者见到这篇文稿的时候,本文的主人公、一位被厄运笼罩一生最后孤寂地死去的葛连波先生已经故去十三年了!-In the literature after the completion of this documentary, especially in the completion of the typing and proofreading manuscr ipts, after a
- Sams Teach Yourself Game Programming in 24 Hours demystifies game programming by providing clear, practical lessons using C/C++, the industry standard in game programming. The book focuses on the Windows API to construct games for the Windo