HRT-HOOD A Structured Design Method for Hard Real-
- 这篇论文描述了一种设计Hard Real Time System的结构方法HRT-HOOD,由York大学的两位教授提出,York大学的Real Time System Group是关于实时系统研究的世界领先机构,研究内容具体可以登陆York的网站,或者参考出版书籍:Real Time Systems and Programming Languages.-This paper describes a design Hard Real Time System Structure of HRT -
High-resolution, Real-time 3D Shape Acquisition
- High-resolution Real-time 3D Shape Acquisition In this paper,describe a high-resolution, real-time 3D shape acquisition system based on structured light techniques.This system uses a color pattern whose RGB channelsare coded with either sinusoidal or
- 基于LabVIEW实现PC与PLC的实时监控#应用图形化编程语言LabVIEW,根据台湾永宏FATEK FBs系列可编程控制器通信协议,开发出FBsPLC与LabVIEW串口通信程序,并以LabVIEW为平台实现PC与PLC的实时监控系统 还介绍了LRC校验码的实现方法#- Application graphical programming language LabVIEW, according to Taiwan-Hong Yong FATEK FBs series programmable
- 这本书是讲解如何利用Telelogic Rhapsody 对实时嵌入式系统进行UML建模设计.-This book is to explain how to use Telelogic Rhapsody of real-time embedded system design UML modeling.
- 硕士学位论文,对Internet视频实时传输进行了深入研究,详细分析了RTP协议,H.264码流,设计了实时传输系统方案。-Master`s degree thesis on the Internet video transmission, in-depth research, detailed analysis of the RTP protocol, H.264 stream, designed real-time transmission system plan.
- 非正弦波交流电参量实时测量系统的研究Real-time non-sinusoidal AC parameters measurement system-Real-time non-sinusoidal AC parameters measurement system
- 多路压力参数实时采集与处理系统设计可以采集两路参数、参数分辨率为8位的实时数据采集与处理系统。假定两路压力参数对应的直流电压在0~5V范围内变化,输出显示为0~2000Pa,要求对通道0每隔1s采样一次,共采集20次;对通道1每隔2s采样一次,共采集10次。并要求将不同通道采集的数据进行相应的处理后以电压值的形式分别显示在显示器的不同区域上。-The pressure parameters of the multi-channel real-time acquisition and proces
- 介绍了什么是linux实时操作系统,详细说明xenomai的实现原理。-What is linux real-time operating system, detailing the xenomai the principle.
- 网络实时视频监控系统中流媒体录像服务器的设计与实现-Design and Implementation of real-time video surveillance system network streaming media in video server
- 为抵消网络可变时延对遥操作系统的影响,基于一种新的改进型Smith预估器, 构建了预估控制下的网络实时遥操作移动机器人系统. 该系统根据主、从端传感器交换的 信息,通过动态模型管理器及其算法,保证了主、从端模型的一致性. 文中根据端到端数据 包多个到达的特性,提出了新的时延缓冲器管理算法,从而更好地将可变时延转化为常时 延. 为了增强系统控制的实时性,系统中还引入了模型的虚拟显示. 长距离的网络遥操作 实验验证了文中系统和控制策略的实用性及有效性.-Estimated und
- Master thesis Development of a TCPIP stack in a real time embedded system. Master thesis Development of a TCPIP stack in a real time embedded system.-Master thesis Development of a TCPIP stack in a real time embedded system.Master thesis Development
- 基于Simulink与硬件的实时数据采集系统的实现-Real-time data acquisition system based on Simulink and hardware
- 嵌入式实时操作系统原理介绍,并介绍了vxworks下软件开发方法。-Introduce the principle of embedded real-time operating system, and introduced under vxworks software development methods.
- GPS数据如何实时地与GIS地图数据匹配已经成为GPS车辆导航系统中的关键问题之一。通过对GPS车辆导航中地图匹配问题的研究,认为可以采用误差缓冲区分析方法对GPS动态定位数据与GIS地图数据进行地图匹配。在实际应用中业已证明该方法效率高、可操作性强,有利于提高GPS车辆导航系统在应用中的精度和可靠性。-How real-time GPS data with GIS map data matching has become a GPS vehicle navigation system is o
- The objective of this paper is to provide a road map to understanding and use of real-time design patterns. To meet this objective, we provide a brief overview of the origins of design patterns, then discuss a wide variety of specific real-time d
- By Le Trung Thang,April 2012 By default, the Linux kernel build used in the many open source distributions is the normal/default kernel which doesn’t support real time scheduling. If an embedded developer wants to compare the scheduling policies
- Experience with a real time implementation of an adaptive power system stabiliser to damp the dynamic oscillations of a power system is presented. A multi-input multioutput (MIMO) pole shifting control algorithm together with a least-square
- 计算机实时采集系统组态软件的开发设计方案,不错的组态软件设计方案-Development of computer design software for real-time acquisition system configuration, software configuration good design...
Real-time User Adjustable Video Filtering
- Real-time User Adjustable Video Filtering aim is to create an embedded system that demonstrates real-time video filtering using a Xilinx Virtex II multimedia board
- 关于室内垂直定位的外文文献,对于研究室内定位的方法和算法有很好的帮助。-A real-time indoor localization approach integrated with a Geographic Information System (GIS)