- 保证服务质量的QoS 路由(Quality of Service Routing) 是网络中解决QoS 问题的一项关键技术. QoS 路由 的主要目标是为接入的业务选择满足服务质量要求的传输路径,同时保证整个网络资源的有效利用. 度量参数选择问 题、寻路问题和路由信息不准确问题是QoS 路由中的几个主要研究内容. 本文围绕这三个方面,介绍了QoS 路由中的 主要问题及相关的解决办法,并探讨了今后QoS 路由可能的研究方向.-To ensure the quality of serv
- propose a new routing technique called Security-Aware ad hoc Routing (SAR) that incorporates security attributes as parameters into ad hoc route discovery. SAR enables the use of security as a negotiable metric to improve the relevance of the r
- 802.11s无线Mesh网络中协作多样性感知的路由度量和协作路由协议-802.11s Wireless Mesh Network-aware routing metric cooperative diversity and collaborative routing protocols
- Producing the quality of service in wireless network is a complex subject because of constraints related to the ad hoc mode as limited bandwidth, sharing medium...etc. The traditional routing based on hop count metric doesn’t take in its consideratio
- OPERA Optimal Routing Metric for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks -OPERA.pdf