- 分析研究AODV协议本地修复算法的特点,并对其进行改进,形成了改进的AODV路由协议本地修复算法-A new idea about local repair is used to improve the AODV and formed the Improved AODV algorithm.Otherwise,a new approach is proposed for flooding limit.The approach is implemented by using cross-layer
- 提出了一种新型的基于OLSR的层次化改进算法HOLSR,旨在提高OLSR的整体效率-This paper p roposed a novel imp roved routing p rotocol based on OLSR,called hierarchical OLSR(HOLSR)p roto2 col,which could be used in large and heavy traffic w ireless environment
- olsr routing protocol
- Computer Networks Project Qos Routing Using OLSR Protocol
- Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) comprises of nodes, which are free to move randomly, yet cooperate to forward packets between source and destination over a multi-hop wireless network. Due to absence of any fi xed node, each node acts as a
- Our scheme eliminates the delay caused by cluster head election and enables nodes to start communication immediately after joining a cluster. Through simulation and analysis, our protocol is shown to possess good scalability, incur lower control
- Providing QoS in mobile networks using routing protocol OLSR (Persian Article)-Providing QoS in mobile networks using routing protocol OLSR (Persian Article)
State Based Hybrid DSR OLSR
- Hybrid routing based on states of nodes . OLSR and DSR protocols