- 这个程序是97年Mekka ’97 4K Intro比赛的一等奖作品,汇编语言所写。整个程序全长4095字节, 生成.com程序只有4K,可是却实现了3D动画的效果,还有一段背景音乐!画面是游戏天旋地转的一个场景! 1)把下面的代码粘贴到记事本里面,另存为 1.txt 文档。 2)在命令行窗口下(在开始→运行→cmd),进入文档所存盘符,输入debug<1.txt,就出现标准的三维空间动画和音乐了。悍啊.... 大家可以试一下,绝非病毒敬请放心。-This proced
- Gold code sequence generator Run from editor Debug (F5) JC 4/25/09 Gold code generation can sometimes be confusing and hopefully this m-file will be helpful. The m-file uses two preferred pairs of m-sequences (length 2^n-1) chips long
- Matlab simulation for drawing the BER plot of the LTE turbo code, using either the BCJR algorithm or the fully-parallel algorithm. Copyright (C) 2013 Robert G. Maunder The simulation can be started by running the main.m scr ipt. This can b
- Matlab simulation for drawing the BER plot of the WiMAX turbo code, using either the BCJR algorithm or the fully-parallel algorithm. Copyright (C) 2013 Robert G. Maunder The simulation can be started by running the main.m scr ipt. This can