粒子群优化的无线传感器网络仿真研究Particle Swarm Optimization Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks-Particle Swarm Optimization Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks
This book offers students and AI programmers a new perspective on the study of artificial intelligence concepts. The essential topics and theory of AI are presented, but it also includes practical information on data input & reduction as well as data
Routing in WSN as an Optimization Problem
Routing in Wireless sensor networks can be viewed as an optimization problem in which there is a need to find the optimal path (which is not necessarily the shortest one) in terms of some parameters like
Particle swarm optimization in wireless sensor networks
We consider the source localization problem using
time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements in sensor networks.
The maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the source
location can be cast as a nonlinear/nonconvex optimization
In this paper, we study the issue of sensor network deployment using limited mobility sensors. By limited mobility, we mean
that the maximum distance that sensors are capable of moving to is limited. Given an initial deployment of limited mobility
Wireless Sensor Network is the network of power-limited sensing devices called sensors. Wireless sensor network is differ other networks in terms of optimization of amount of energy because when these sensors sense and transmit data to other sensors
蚁群的优化算法应用在无线传感器网络,并通过FPGA实现-Ant colony optimization algorithm in wireless sensor networks, and through the FPGA implementation
多传感器分配是传感器网应用过程中的一个关键问题,文章对多种方法进行了分析比较,指出了各种方法的优缺点及适用场合,值得借鉴-Sensor deployment is a fundamental issue in sensor
networks. Studies on the deployment problem are concentrated
on deploying sensors to cover assigned areas or set ofpoints
无线传感网络覆盖优化,里面有源代码和解释,可以很好理解-Coverage optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks