- 实现光、声、触摸3种方式合在同一个电路中控制发光二极管,发光二极管发光表明电源接通。-To achieve light, sound, touch three kinds of methods together in the same circuit to control the light-emitting diodes, light-emitting diode LED indicates power supply connected.
Arduino Cook Book
- you’ll find more than 200 tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes such as toys, detectors, robots, and interactive clothing that can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat, and light.
- 触摸屏作为一种新型的人机界面,从一出现就受到关注,它的简单易用,强大的功能及优异的稳定性使它非常适合用于工业环境,甚至可以用于日常生活之中,应用非常广泛,比如:自动化停车设备、自动洗车机、天车升降控制、生产线监控等,甚至可以用于智能大厦管理、会议室声光控制、温度调整等。 通过完成触摸屏控制变频器的多段速和触摸屏对物料个数的监控控制两个工作任务,学会触膜屏的简单操作,会用触膜屏控制或监控简单的机电一体化设备。 项目十__触摸屏的应用 -As a new touch-screen int